dm3 - Decentralized, end-2-end encrypted web3 Messaging
2022-11-11, 16:30–17:30 (Europe/Prague), Conference room

The aim of the talk is to introduce the dm3 protocol and show how secure communication can be integrated into a DApp with only a few lines of code.

Email, SMS, and messengers such as WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, and others are known and used by almost everyone today. The lack of comprehensive end-to-end encryption (e.g., for e-mail) and closed silos for central messenger services are currently common. Cross-application communication is not possible. User profiles are under the control of large corporations.
With the web3, we have new possibilities like key-based identities, decentralized register on the blockchain, and end-to-end encryption, ...
With dm3, there exists a lean protocol for peer-2-peer messaging, which makes it possible to easily integrate secure communication into DApps. The user always has full control over his contacts and information. Intermediaries controlling the communication are not needed.

Co-founder, researcher, and developer at, Steffen is primarily involved in the technical development of our products. Mathematical optimization, numerics, artificial intelligence, and web3 technologies are part of Steffen’s toolkit.
His career goes back to 2000 in the automotive industry developing mathematical methods and simulation software. Since 2017 he has been working in web3 and brought to life proof-of-concept prototypes and real-life products utilizing blockchain technologies.